Sunday, January 25, 2009

minor nuisances.

When you're late, or in a rush, things tend to go wrong. Having established that, I realised some things that always occur to me when I'm in a rush. (but this does NOT mean that I'm always late.)

One nuisance that is on the top of my list.

Before I go out, it is a habit of mine to bathe before leaving the house. Just when I closed the door and locked the padlock on my gate, I would suddenly ask myself if I switched off the heater. My heater is an external heater and it is a complete waste of electricity if you leave it switched on. The greater danger is that it may overheat and meltdown if left switched on for too long.

It is with this sense of danger that always leave me with no choice but to open the door again and check, only to find out that it has been switched off after I leave the toilet, leaving me even more irritated. But then again, if I fail to check, I'd feel uneasy throughout when I'm out.

By far, I have never really been able to ascertain with 100% confidence if I have switched off the heater after my bath when I'm standing there pondering about it at my doorstep. But the most irritating thing is, it is always AFTER I have locked my door then I'll ask the heater question.

Another nuisance.

When I'm in a rush, I tend to move faster, do everything faster, and therefore, start to perspire after my nice and cool bath. Nothing irks me more before I go out is that I'm perspiring like no one's business even before I do anything.

So, after I changed my clothes in my room, I will make sure the windows are open and the fan is turned on as I start preening my hair. I remember last time, before an important date, I turned on the aircon in my room before I went to bathe to maintain a cool temperature in the room when I'm changing.

I wonder if anyone else has the same heater problem as I do?

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