Monday, September 28, 2009


I have seen quite a few stuff in my short life that I wouldn't like to see, and life as it seems, is never short of surprises.

I never claimed to be the smartest person, or the most street-wise person alive, and rightfully so. But it really seems that some people are living at the bottom of the proverbial well.

At what age it is now, and how old the person in question is, and still resorting to using childish and immature tactics to foul the character of this unfortunate someone. *roll eyes.

Nevertheless, having gone through my "Youth Evolution" training, I learnt that as a good budding social worker, I must learn to thicken my skin, and just be the bigger person, understanding that maturity is possible when the frontal cortex of the brain develops.

Sheesh. Like put any other person in my shoes, and we'll both be laughing all the way home.

Anyway, I would be volunteering my services at the student care centre drop in cafe! It would start the following week and I hope all goes well.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

autobots vs the decepticons.

How is it even possible for people to be so mule-headed? Hai. And just wondering, what would be your reaction, yes you the reader, if you were to encounter such a blatant lie in your face?

I was flabbergasted, sputtering at the mere audacity of such a lie.

It would be akin to running face first into a block of solid wood.


Life, in all of its chaotic glory, can be a real challenge. I've always wanted a peaceful and quiet life, just little old me in my world + my friends, that's it.

Studying for the mid years have never been so challenging. I really have no idea if I have prepared enough. Let me get over this week and hopefully life would be more peaceful again.

But would I get bored of having a quiet life? Wouldn't anyone crave for some adventure, or rather just indulge in their own daydreams?

Monday, September 21, 2009

a whole new perspective.

I was troubled by some stuff that happened that was close to my heart. But having received news of one of my school mate's unfortunate mishap, the incident that happened seems trivial now.

"In every life,
there comes a time
to walk in shadows and in sunlight,
to hear silence and song,
to shed tears of sadness and of joy,
to forget what has been taken,
and remember
what has been given"

I found this extremely meaningful, especially the last 3lines, in which my best friends should know why.

I'll offer a prayer up to the Lord for him.

This is my favourite prayer, for both myself, and to his loved ones.

The Serenity Prayer.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.