Wednesday, January 28, 2009

it starts from young.

My baby cousins, Tiffany and Christine. They are so adorable, but I failed to get a photo of them dancing together. I bet lots of guys would be queueing up to woo them when they grow up.

(If Facebook still exists 15yrs down the road, I bet Christine would have millions of self portraits uploaded on her account.)

Monday, January 26, 2009

young at heart.

If you knew me better, you would know that I really dislike kids. Especially those kids that throw temper tantrums, yell, shout, cry, and basically making a hell lot of noise that would invariably give me a headache.

I was even thinking along the lines of NOT having children after/if I get married.

(forgive me my future wife.)

Perhaps I'm growing old, or the idea of children is growing on me. Hmm. But I'm beginning to like children, well at least the more well behaved ones that respond to you. With their baby talk and scuttling around on their little legs, they are actually quite adorable.

I have been spending some time with my baby cousin during this festive period. She's so lovable. She doesn't cry when she fell over accidentally, she'd only run up to her father and show him where she hit herself, and the father only needs to acknowledge her complaint and she'd just scuttle happily away.

Here's a photo of her being amazed by a camera hand phone and she identifies people through the phone.

Maybe it is true that fathers favour daughters more, and mothers sons; I rather have a daughter.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

minor nuisances.

When you're late, or in a rush, things tend to go wrong. Having established that, I realised some things that always occur to me when I'm in a rush. (but this does NOT mean that I'm always late.)

One nuisance that is on the top of my list.

Before I go out, it is a habit of mine to bathe before leaving the house. Just when I closed the door and locked the padlock on my gate, I would suddenly ask myself if I switched off the heater. My heater is an external heater and it is a complete waste of electricity if you leave it switched on. The greater danger is that it may overheat and meltdown if left switched on for too long.

It is with this sense of danger that always leave me with no choice but to open the door again and check, only to find out that it has been switched off after I leave the toilet, leaving me even more irritated. But then again, if I fail to check, I'd feel uneasy throughout when I'm out.

By far, I have never really been able to ascertain with 100% confidence if I have switched off the heater after my bath when I'm standing there pondering about it at my doorstep. But the most irritating thing is, it is always AFTER I have locked my door then I'll ask the heater question.

Another nuisance.

When I'm in a rush, I tend to move faster, do everything faster, and therefore, start to perspire after my nice and cool bath. Nothing irks me more before I go out is that I'm perspiring like no one's business even before I do anything.

So, after I changed my clothes in my room, I will make sure the windows are open and the fan is turned on as I start preening my hair. I remember last time, before an important date, I turned on the aircon in my room before I went to bathe to maintain a cool temperature in the room when I'm changing.

I wonder if anyone else has the same heater problem as I do?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

our PRINCEss of Tennis.

Tennis. Are we that obsessed with that particular sport? Maybe you don't perspire too much? That we can laugh (at wilander) together? But I believe the prime reason why we (apart from wilander, again.) like to get together and play tennis is the post-tennis slacking/jiao-weing session is sorely missed during our stint in NS.

We went to play tennis again at the birdcage, with this time zw bringing his girl along, finally. It had been an on-going joke that us as zw's best frens knew his colleague more than May herself. I remember myself only uttering ONE sentence to her when zw was in hospital, for the whole 2years plus they have been dating. But as it turns out, May seems like a pretty cool girl and she can understand our weird sense of humour. (As I would expect out of the 2yrs of training with zw, heh.)

Welcome new Slacker!

Somehow I feel that us as a group, has become even closer and more tightly knitted than before. And I feel that it has been this new Slacker that contributed quite a fair bit.

We drove around in zw's ride and after prata we ended up (somehow) at Sembawang Beach and we talked about the Sands of Time, about our past experiences and general rubbish. Mysteriously enough, I had quite a bit of the Sands from sembawang beach in my shoes after we went to play the swings.

I had the pleasure of sending our new Slacker back home.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

cynicism bites back.

I always liked to be cynical in my thoughts, like thinking that there's always a dark side to a person, always thinking that there are always vested interests behind certain actions a person takes. I realised sth, that all of these hardens my heart up, replacing the innocence, and the belief in actual good.

Sure, you need to harden your heart while out conquering the world. But I need not have extended it to those around me. I remember what yn said of me yrs ago, and I realised I'm not that person anymore. It took just one fateful line to hit me that I was behaving like a jerk. Without giving a fair chance at all.

To you, I apologise, even though there's no way you will ever know, but I still need to do this.

Sorry baby.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Many things happened at the start of 2009, both interesting and intriguing. Maybe this is a sign of things to come, with uni starting in August. After ORD-ing in november, I'm spending alot more time with my best frens and its a very nice feeling to be hanging out on a regular basis again.

After seeing all the politics in army and backstabbing and gossiping to boot, its very comforting to be with those that you are put your complete trust in. Some may say that its stupid to put your complete trust in someone, but I say that you have never lived if you did not put your trust, your life in the hands of your friend(s). I feel that there is no point if you live your life with such hypocrisy. Yes, I believe in the good of people, in my friends.

But then again, you should know who are the ones that you can trust.

Monday, January 12, 2009

compelling read.

I'm currently struggling to read through The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, with him talking about the random events and the uncertainty that's rampant in the world yet we are still trying to predict uncertainty. Remember your Statistics? Screw those.

My brain needs more juice to totally comprehend this read, I'm like reading the same paragraph 3 times to finally understand. Ugh!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I was re-reading my blog entries. As much as I like reading the newspapers and novels, I found that my longer entries were a tad too long to hold even my own interest. (kinda sad don't ya think -_- i'm too lor sor even for myself.)

So, from now onwards, I will conduct everything in briefs, not the sexy Calvin Klein ones that you need a large member to accentuate your bulge, but in short paragraphs/posts to hold my own interest when I'm reading.

I was at ceo's 21th bdae chalet, and he said something interesting to me. He was saying something about "those people who have moved on, who prefers their jc friends to secondary sch friends". This got me thinking, as I believe it is during secondary school in which your character, mentality and social behaviour develops and it is there where you make your closest friends and cliques. When we all are split up in jc, maybe people could have a facade on? In jc where people may want to start anew? But then again, in secondary sch, I was with a bunch of very jiao, love-to-talk-rubbish, love-to-laugh, gang of peeps that still rocks my socks, so they're very much closer than my jc friends.

*scandalous* even though I was just being a friend, and being there for you when you needed someone, I never talked bad about you even after all the things that shouldn't have happened, happened. You just showed your disillusioned, petty character when you mouthed off to others about me.


Friday, January 2, 2009

so true.

I love this. More people should live by cynicism.

old train station in Taiwan.

my first friendster-esque, facebook-esque, emo photo!

chastised by chalets.

No, I have not been sexually abused at the chalets. Don't get misled by the word I used. Haha. It just that I have been having quite a mass influx of chalets in the month of december that its quite punishing on my schedule, and body. I shall blog on my most recent chalet, the Photog chalet.

The chalet was held in conjunction with Ops Ubin, (pardon the use of army terms but I have no idea why the organisers were hell bent on using such foul terminology). Together with the juniors, we went to Pulau Ubin for a day's trek to take some photos. Armed with my jungle hat, we set off insanely early in the day to catch the ferry to Ubin and there we were, walking around in a forest. Oddly enough, I was rather disappointed with the so-called abundance of nature in Ubin as well as the famous Chek Jawa. Maybe I'm used to being outfield and don't really appreciate nature when you're actually tired, sweaty, hungry and carrying a rifle. But all there was around, was just green. The foilage and all were so repetitive (that's why its a forest huh) and nothing really caught my eye. The only interesting insight that i gained in Ubin was that the seagrass in Chek Jawa was actually unique only to that place. Apparently this type of seagrass only thrives in the seamud that is also unique to Chek Jawa. Henceforth the whole commotion about the reclaimation works to be done in Chek Jawa last time.

For the chalet, it was held at the changi bungalows, and it was REALLY out of the way, but it was REALLY big as well. There were around 4 bedrooms, and get this, a kitchen. Wow. Fine I have not been to this chalet before and i shall risk sounding like a himbo, but I have not seen a kitchen attached to a chalet before, together with all the works like cutlery, pots. I could have just cooked for the chalet right there and then since it was a potluck. We got the barbecue going, (no thanks to me of course. I, who refuses to help start the fire) and here's a scary fact for those who swear by barbecues. Get this, when you stand over the bbq pit for 2hours, you're inhaling the equivalent of 220,000 cigarettes! Heh. And NO, I'm not making this up to cover up for my laziness. I got this off the newpapers, Mind Your Body.

I managed to catch up with the peeps, having not seen them for quite a while, but catching up only entertains myself so much. Being quite afraid of boredom (this is an interesting issue in today's teens and I shall touch on this another time), with everyone kinda separating into their own cliques and generation. I got everyone who was staying over and we started playing stupid card games. Nothing better entertains me than having fun together in a group, laughing and talking rubbish. And i thoroughly enjoyed this chalet, with the exception of my frens wanting to go to changi beach at 4am in the morning. Nuh-uh, for me, I just went to sleep. I don't get it when people say that when you go to a chalet, you don't sleep. I don't get the point in that. If you do not get any rest at all, in the morning, when the fresh and fully rested Alex comes out to greet you, its like Resident Evil : Part IV or something, where everyone are like zombies. When you go to a chalet, get some damn sleep so that you can continue to have fun the next day.

Cant sleep when you're so excited? Alcohol works fine.